
[ pt - en ]

Gustavo Barros

I’m a researcher in the area of economic history of Brazil, and my work revolves around the Brazilian industrialization process and the connections between the economic and political dimensions of this process, particularly as they relate to federative issues. Within this general scope, I have been focusing on the case of the steel sector along the Republican period in Brazil.

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and a Master’s and a Doctor of Science degrees in Economics, all from the University of São Paulo. I’m also a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, MG (currently on leave of absence).

This site aims to be a stable point of access for people eventually interested in my research, collecting the resulting publications.

Most of my work is written in Portuguese, my native language. I hope to be able to at least mitigate this someday. In the meantime, I keep this page also in English, our current actual lingua franca, in an attempt to ease the discoverability of this research by a wider public.


Papers in journals

“Dimensionando o problema siderúrgico nacional: A demanda por produtos siderúrgicos no Brasil (1901–1940)” [“Assessing the National Steel-Making Problem: The Demand for Steel Products in Brazil (1901–1940)”], Revista de História (USP), n. 176, 2017. (here, at Scielo or at RH) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

“O Desenvolvimento do setor siderúrgico brasileiro entre 1900 e 1940: Crescimento e substituição de importações” [“The Development of the Brazilian Steel-Making Sector Between 1900 and 1940: Growth and Import Substitution”], Estudos Econômicos, v. 45, n. 1, p. 153–183, jan–mar 2015. (here, at Scielo or at EE) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

“The Regional Economic Structure of Brazil in 1959: An Overview Based on an Interstate Input-Output Matrix”, Revista Brasileira de Economia, vol. 68, nº 3, p. 317–335, 2014. (with Joaquim J. M. Guilhoto) (here, at Scielo or at RBE) (download the estimated ISIO matrix here)

“O Desenvolvimento do setor siderúrgico brasileiro entre 1900 e 1940: Criação de empresas e evolução da capacidade produtiva” [“The Development of the Brazilian Steel-Making Sector Between 1900 and 1940: Firm Creation and Evolution of Productive Capacity”], Revista de História Econômica & Economia Regional Aplicada (Heera), vol. 8, nº 14, p. 10–32, jan–jun 2013. (here, at Heera, at MPRA, at IA or at HAL) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

“Herbert A. Simon and the Concept of Rationality: Boundaries and Procedures”, Revista de Economia Política, vol. 30, nº 3 (119), p. 455–472, jul–set/2010. (here, at Scielo or at REP)


Racionalidade e Organizações: Um estudo sobre comportamento econômico na obra de Herbert A. Simon [Rationality and Organizations: A Study About Economic Behavior in the Work of Herbert A. Simon], São Paulo: Ed. do Autor, 2016. [in Portuguese, with a summary article in English included in the Appendix]

Self-published papers and essays

“Defesa do café em tempos de guerra: A segunda valorização e o decreto de ‘defesa nacional’ de 1917” [“Defense of coffee in times of war: The second valorization and the ‘national defense’ decree of 1917”], 2023. (here, at MPRA, at IA or at HAL) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

“Geopolítica do minério de ferro brasileiro no entreguerras” [“Geopolitics of the Brazilian Iron Ore in the Interwar Period”], 2019. (here, at MPRA, at IA or at HAL) [in Portuguese, with English abstract] (This work is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.)

“Discurso e contexto: Política siderúrgica no primeiro governo Vargas (1930–1937)” [“Speech and Context: Steel-Making Policy in the First Vargas Government (1930–1937)”], 2014. (here, at MPRA, at IA or at HAL) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

“Herbert A. Simon e o conceito de racionalidade: Limites e procedimentos” [“Herbert A. Simon and the Concept of Rationality: Boundaries and Procedures”], 2007. (here, at MPRA, at IA or at HAL) [in Portuguese, see published English version above]

Dissertation and Thesis

O Problema siderúrgico nacional na Primeira República [The National Steel-Making Problem in the First Republic], Doctoral Dissertation, FEA–USP, 2011. (here or at Thesis and Dissertations of USP) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

Racionalidade e organizações: Um estudo sobre comportamento econômico na obra de Herbert A. Simon [Rationality and Organizations: A Study About Economic Behavior in the Work of Herbert A. Simon], Master’s Thesis, FEA–USP, 2004. (here or at Thesis and Dissertations of USP) [in Portuguese, with English abstract]

Working papers

“Discurso e contexto: Política siderúrgica no primeiro governo Vargas (1930–1937)” [“Speech and Context: Steel-Making Policy in the First Vargas Government (1930–1937)”], Working Paper Hermes & Clio, São Paulo, 2012. (here) (see 2014 version above) [in Portuguese]

“The Regional Economic Structure of Brazil in 1959: An Overview Based on an Inter-State Input-Output System”, Working Paper Nereus 13-2011, São Paulo, 2011. (with Joaquim J. M. Guilhoto) (here, at Nereus or at MPRA) (published at RBE, vol. 68, nº 3, 2014)

Curriculum vitae

For more information, visit my curriculum vitae (in Portuguese).

Check the available works at IDEAS, EconPapers, Internet Archive, SSRN, and HAL. And also my Google Scholar Profile.

Gustavo Barros


Archived versions